The Advocates 11-19-08 with John J. Cavanaugh

“The Advocates”


Richard J. Garfunkel

 WVOX – AM Radio 1460- 12 Noon Wednesday

November 19, 2008

All archived Shows at:


Wednesday, November 19, 2008, at 12:00 Noon, I am hosting my show “The Advocates” on WVOX- 1460 AM, or you can listen to the program’s live streaming at One can call the show at 914-636-0110 to reach us on the radio.  Our guest is John Cavanaugh who is currently serving as executive director of Building Bright Futures, a private sector/public sector partnership designed to create a national model for urban educational excellence and equity in the Omaha metropolitan area. Our topic today is, “How can we start American children off on the right path to learning?”


Mr. Cavanaugh is a fourth generation Nebraskan. A lawyer by profession and a graduate of The Creighton University School of Law (1972) Mr. Cavanaugh served in the U.S. Army (1968-69, was elected to the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature in 1972 before being elected to the United States House of Representatives from the Second District in Nebraska. He served from 1976 until 1980.


Among his civic activities Mr. Cavanaugh served for 20 years as a trustee of the Platte River Whooping Crane Habitat Trust and received a Presidential appointment as chairman of the Czech and Slovak American Enterprise Fund. Mr. Cavanaugh currently serves on the Board of Directors of Citizens Network for Foreign Affairs. He and his wife are the proud parents of seven children. 


This past Friday night, November 14, 2008, Mr. Cavanaugh’s daughter Maureen opened her art exhibition, “Stay With me,” at 31 Grand, 143 Ludlow Street, NYC, NY 10002.


The opening was very well attended and seemed quite successful from this reporter’s vantage. Special guests, fellow Nebraskans, and friends of the Cavanaugh’s, Mr. Ted Sorenson, former speech writer and advisor to the late President John F. Kennedy and Bob Kerrey, winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, the current President of the New School, and a former Governor and US Senator were in attendance. 


Meanwhile, the mission of the “Advocates” is to bring to the public differing views on current “public policy “issues. “Public policy,” therefore, is what we as a nation legally and traditionally follow. Over the years, the “public policy” of the United States has changed or has been modified greatly. As an example, “free public education” is the public policy of the United States. Also, over time great struggles have ensued over the control of the direction of “public policy” For example: free trade vs. protectionism, slavery vs. emancipation, state’s rights vs. Federalism, and an all-volunteer armed forces or the “draft.”


One can find my essays on FDR and other subjects at One can also listen to all of the archived shows at: Next week I will be off in Arizona for Thanksgiving with Linda, Dana and Jon. The Advocates will return on December 3rd with Allegra Dengler who will talk about, “The National vote undercount, and is your vote being counted?”


Richard J. Garfunkel

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