The Advocates 9-20-07


The Advocates with Richard J. Garfunkel on WVOX – AM Radio 1460-


Thursday morning September 20th, at 9:00 am, I am hosting my show “The Advocates” on WVOX- 1460 AM on your dial, or you can listen to its live streaming at  One can call the show at 914-636-0110 to reach us on the radio. The program this week will have as its guests, Ms. Sonja Brown, Mr. Kevin Morgan, Ms. Allegra Dengler and our phone guest Supervisor Paul Feiner. Our topic this morning is electoral change in Greenburgh. The long campaign is over, and what does it mean? (The Feiner Team won an incredible victory this past Tuesday, and I had the pleasure of being the Campaign Manager!)


Meanwhile the mission of the “Advocates” is to bring to the public differing views on current “public policy “ issues. “Public policy,” therefore, is what we as a nation legally and traditionally follow. Over the years the “public policy” of the United States has changed or has been modified greatly. As an example, “free public education” is the public policy of the United States. Also, over time great struggles have ensued over the control of the direction of “public policy” For example: free trade vs. protectionism, slavery vs. emancipation, state’s rights vs. Federalism, and an all-volunteer armed forces or the “draft.”


Richard J. Garfunkel

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