The Asbury Park Press
The Randy Bergmann Blog
Just read the comments by Robert Municchi regarding the GOP bribing voters with free food! But it wasn't FDR that said or promised a “Chicken in every pot!” It was Herbert Hoover, another “illustrious” Republican who had borrowed that line from Henry IV in 1610. “I want there to be no peasant in my realm so poor that he will not have a chicken in his pot every Sunday.” Unfortunately he also said, right before the 1932 election, on October 25th, that “The grass will in the streets of a hundred cities.” It took FDR to rid the streets and open lots of “Hoovervilles.” It will take a Democratic Congress in 2007 to rid us of the excesses and failures of a more modern and malevalent day Hoover, one George W. Bush!
RJ Garfunkel
Tarrytown, NY