Reunion Aftermath
40th MVHS Reunion Re-visited
(never sent, amended into Dec.11th letter)
September 29, 2003
Dear Classmates,
Hello from breezy Tarrytown. I hope that this letter finds you and yours quite well. Time flies while one is having fun and our 40th reunion is now history. I can say, even though our turnout was quite a bit lower that five years ago, the weekend event was quite enjoyable and a great success. In that regard, I was able to communicate with many people that I have never really talked to before. So for all of you who were not there, the Westchester Marriott was beautiful, the room was just the right size, the food was pretty good and plentiful, and all in all a good time was had by everyone. I especially enjoyed my talks with Bob Spana, Norman Raphael. Bob Sabin, Jerry Zicaro, Stuart Tobin, Bobby Danetz (class of 1962), Jim Kurtz, Armel MacDonald, Diane MCGinnis and many, many others.
Maybe because we held the party in late August, and maybe because the economy and the post 9/11 environment has chilled travel, and maybe it was the fifth reunion that began to bore many, the attendance was down. For some of the above reasons I had wanted to write a letter to you regarding this event while it was still fresh in my mind. As the Jewish High Holidays came upon us and as I sat in services contemplating my own mortality and sins along with those of humankind, I decided to address what was on my mind. Since I live directly across the street from the Westchester Marriot, I was able to spend an inordinate amount of time at this reunion. In fact I spent more time at the events of this reunion than all of the time that I had spent at the previous four reunions that were held. So from Friday night through two brunches and the dinner dance I was able to get fully absorbed.
Of course our choice of late August may have caused a conflict with some of our classmates regarding vacations or the start of school. But all in all the vast number of our fellow classmates live in the metropolitan area or easy driving distance, and are empty-nesters and could have easily attended. I certainly do not presume to tell people how or where to spend their time or money. I can only reflect, observe and attempt to advise, from my own personal bias, what I consider a worthwhile endeavor for friends and classmates. Though again I must state in this season of confession and redemption, that from all of whom I communicated with, and from all reports from our fellow committee members, every one really loved this reunion. From my own small and parochial perspective I was disappointed that we did not attract more people from the Pennington, Traphagen and Holmes School’s neighborhoods. Again, maybe there have been too many reunions, and many have “been there and done that.” Maybe it has become passé to some and to many it has never been terribly important. For all of those who think that way, I am sorry, and sorry that the idealism and enthusiasm of youth has turned into middle-aged jadedness. Even some of our committee, were confronted by classmates who wanted to only know who was already coming before they were ready to commit to attending. From my own perspective one goes to these events to be part of the whole, to make it enjoyable for others, and to celebrate the joy of survival regarding old friends. Believe me, for those who would feel uncomfortable about aging and change, there is no “mean’s test” at our reunions. People are accepted on an equal footing, and welcomed with enthusiasm and good cheer. As I have said, more than once, in the Jon Breen letters, time is fleeting, and opportunities will be less and less to re-live the wonderful and enjoyable moments of coming of age and the shared experiences of youthful innocence and growth.
Happy New Year to all that celebrate, and a fond regards to the rest of all my friends,
Richard J. Garfunkel
PS: Dr. Jeff Weiss, who came all the way from Alaska, presented me with a check for $500 for the John Breen Fund. That made, for me at least, the whole weekend a doubly great event. We are also going to have a 45th in five years so plan ahead for October 2008! RJG