When the average conservative is confronted by the facts, history or reason, they lash out with the usual name-calling: libtard, commie rat, socialist, anti-American, traitor, globalist, and useful tool!
To the average Trumper and the typical MAGA Moron who supports the most incompetent brigand ever to be elected to high office in the Western World since WWII, liberals support the Nanny State, believe in open borders, free education, healthcare, free abortions on demand and housing for all, and de-criminalization of every addictive drug known to mankind. Liberals have been the big taxers, the big spenders, and worst of all, atheists, who hate all people of faith and religion.
But, in reality, what is the truth? Who are the bigots, the greedy, and the least educated among us? Is it really the liberals? Hardy! Abortion is used across all across the spectrum of every race, religions and ethnic background in the same proportion as the demographics of the country. But what of religion? What makes the conservative more religious, more pious, more fearful of the wrath of G-d? They are not. In fact, when it comes to divorce, drug abuse, adultery, pornography, sex scandals, and the patronage of escort service and prostitutes, male and female, there is plenty of evidence that conservatives have more of a proclivity than any other philosophical group. In fact, what is most startling is the hypocrisy of all these so-called moralists. In fact, there is no evidence of any higher morality of conservatism throughout history. Here is a list of Republican and conservative sexual miscreants. It is very long! https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389×1709387
But, what of patriotism? As the sage, Samuel Johnson stated, “The last refuge of a scoundrel is patriotism!” Where is the evidence that Republicans or conservatives are any more patriotic than anyone else? Hers is a link to the Democrats that served and the Republican Chicken Hawks who talk up the military and who never served or were draft dodgers: https://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364×1440824
But here are some of the more prominent Republicans who talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk! These Republicans never served in the military: Trump, Trent Lott, Jeb Bush, Rudy Giuliani, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Karl Rove, John Bolton, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney, Pat Buchanan, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, Lou Dobbs, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent, Ralph Reed, Michael Savage and many, many others.
But what do they support? Do they really vote for military and veteran’s benefits more than liberals or Democrats? There is no evidence of that in the least. In fact, historically there is zero evidence of that. But what about the support of the average working American? The average voting record in support of labor is over 90% of the Democrats in the House and the Senate. As for the Republicans it is under 15%.
Meanwhile the GOP Conservatives and their former Dixiecrat allies have been opposed to every advance in our long history. Many called it the progressive evolution of our society, but the small government acolytes seem to think that word progressive is a euphemism for left-wing socialism. As a long-time student of history, political person, and writer and lecturer on mid-20th Century history, it is not a stretch to see what side both parties fall. The right-wing has opposed: the following
The Bill of Rights
Anti-trust laws- Sherman and Clayton Acts, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid Labor unions and their right to collectively bargain- the Wagner Act. Wages and Hours Laws, Child Labor laws and regulation- Triangle Shirtwaist and other disasters, The Minimum wage, Civil Rights- Integration- anti-lynching laws, The Security Laws of 1933, 4, and 1940, affirmative action, Pure Food and Drug laws,
Almost all environmental regulation on clear water and air, Women’s Rights, the right of choice, Birth control access and information, Equal pay for equal rights. The Establishment Clause- separation of church and state, Gun control, Graduated Income Tax- taxes in general, Inheritance Taxes, Federal housing- urban renewal, Public education, and even aid to Great Britain before WWII.
What have they supported?
Restrictive Immigration: Chinese Exclusion Act 1882, National Origins Immigration Act of 1924, Property rights over individual rights, Censorship, Monopoly, trusts, Inter-locking directorships, Unrestricted gun ownership, Flat-taxes, sale’s taxes, State’s Rights, Public funding for private schools, Red-lining, Segregation, White Citizen’s Councils, the KKK, Privatization of services, Union-busting, right to work laws, Off shore banking shelters, Deregulation and that the market place cures all ills, The Oil Depletion allowance, and Private schools
In other words, what in hell have the right-wing ever supported that was in the public’s interest?