“The Advocates”
Richard J. Garfunkel
WVOX – AM Radio 1460- 12 Noon Wednesday
February 4, 2009
All archived shows at:
On Wednesday, February 4, 2009, at 12:00 Noon, I will be hosting my show “The Advocates” on WVOX- 1460 AM, and you can also listen to the program’s live streaming at www.wvox.com. One can call the show at 914-636-0110 to reach us on the radio. Our guest on Wednesday will be Christopher N. Breiseth and our subject will be “Franklin Roosevelt and How his Enduring Legacy is Relevant to Today’s America.”
Mr. Breiseth, who graduated from UCLA, Oxford University and received his doctorate from Cornell University, happens to be distantly related to President Franklin Roosevelt. He has just retired as President of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute in Hyde Park, New York, and remains President Emeritus of Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Prior to his seventeen years as President of Wilkes, Dr. Breiseth served as president of Deep Springs College in California (1980-83); Professor and Chair of the History Program at Sangamon State University in Springfield, Illinois (1971-1980), and Co-Director and teacher at the Springfield Institute on Interracial Education for teachers and administrators. A scholar of Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Breiseth was also active in the NEH-funded Lincoln Sites Project in the late 1970s, and contributed an essay, “Lincoln, Douglas and Springfield in the 1858 Campaign,” to the published collection The Public and the Private Lincoln. Other achievements include a Danforth post-doctoral fellowship in Black Studies at the University of Chicago (1970-71), an assistant professorship of history at Williams College (1964-71), a position as chief of policy guidance in the Community Action Program at the Office of Economic Opportunity in Washington, D.C., and a term as President of the Telluride Association (1963-65).
Meanwhile, the mission of the “Advocates” is to bring to the public differing views on current “public policy “issues. “Public policy,” therefore, is what we as a nation legally and traditionally follow. Over the years, the “public policy” of the United States has changed or has been modified greatly. As an example, “free public education” is the public policy of the United States.
My essays on FDR and other subjects at can be accessed at https://www.richardjgarfunkel.com. One can also listen to all of the archived shows at: http://advocates-wvox.com.
Next week I will be hosting author Nora Eisenberg, and in the upcoming weeks, Ms. Cynthia Koch, current Director of the Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library. Maryann Goldman, of the FBI’s InfraGuard program, and Neil Goldstein of the Israel Energy Partnership will join The Advocates