The Advocates with John Berenyi 9-17-08

The Advocates


John Berenyi

September 17, 2008, at 12:00 Noon, I am hosting my show “The Advocates” on
WVOX- 1460 AM on your dial, or you can listen to the program’s live streaming
at  One can call the show
at 914-636-0110 to reach us on the radio. 
We have a return guest today with Mr. John Berenyi, who is no stranger
to these broadcasts.

topic today is, “What is the current situation with the financial markets.” Mr.
Berenyi was on The Advocates almost one year ago (October 25, 2007) talking
about the Subprime mortgage meltdown, he accurately predicted there would be
more rough waters ahead in the financial marketplace. Mr. Berenyi was also a
participant on our New Year’s prediction program panel (December 26, 2007) and
articulated the same concerns.  

of the questions Mr. Berenyi will address are the following:

Why did Lehman Brothers collapse?

Can there be other situations like this?

What is the impact on other companies like AIG?

Why is there a failure of government action?

What happened to regulation?

John Berenyi, has undergraduate and graduate degrees in, engineering,
management sciences and applied economics from Columbia University.
He has been an investment banker, who has specialized in alternative energy and
environmental finance for the past 25 years. In the early part of his career,
as a Loeb Fellow in Advanced Environmental Studies at Harvard
University, he developed the composite
set of environmental indicators to measure the quality of life in cities across
the United States.
Cities, counties, states, and academic institutions have adopted this work,
across America,
as a tool for public of public policy and evaluation. Today, after a long
career serving companies like Citicorp, HSBC Capital and IF Rothschild, he is
the managing director of Ecocite, a Canadian-based company that works as an
energy investment trust for eco-property development. He is also the Senior
Advisor on Energy to the AJ Congress to implement the US-Israeli Energy
Independence. Act.

John Berenyi has appeared on The Advocates and has talked to
us about such varied subjects as: “Our Crumbling Infrastructure,” August 23,
2007, and “The Subprime Mortgage Crisis,” on October 25, 2007. One can listen
to our guest by accessing The Advocates website: His other
appearances were on December 26, 2008, January 23, 2008, and April 16, 2008.

Meanwhile, the mission of the “Advocates” is to bring to the
public differing views on current “public policy “issues. “Public policy,”
therefore, is what we as a nation legally and traditionally follow. Over the
years, the “public policy” of the United States has changed or has
been modified greatly. As an example, “free public education” is the public
policy of the United States.
Also, over time great struggles have ensued over the control of the direction
of “public policy” For example: free trade vs. protectionism, slavery vs.
emancipation, state’s rights vs. Federalism, and an all-volunteer armed forces
or the “draft.”


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