The Advocates- 7-30-08 “Unionization of the White Plains Taxis”


“The Advocates”


Richard J. Garfunkel

 WVOX – AM Radio 1460- 12 Noon Wednesday

July 30, 2008

All archived Shows at:


Wednesday, July 30, 2008, at 12:00 Noon, I am hosting “The Advocates” on WVOX- 1460 AM, or you can listen to the program’s live streaming at  One can call the show at 914-636-0110 to reach us on the radio.  Our show is about “The Unionization of the Taxi Cabs in White Plains, What are the Implications?”


Our special guests are Mr. Michael Carriere of District Council 9, Mr. Mario Alfonso, a taxi operator from White Plains, NY and Mr. Glen Hockley, a Member of the White Plains City Council.


Mr. Carriere, who has been a Union member for 20 years, came from a Union family. He started a glazier for Local Union 1087 and held many elected positions, before and after, the merger with District Council 9 and the consolidation of Local Unions 206 and 1087.  He is also a strong advocate of apprentice programs, and has contributed his time, and the efforts his union in many charitable projects that include the YMCA rehabilitation in White Plains, food pantries, toys for tots, The Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, various projects in Yonkers and church rehabilitations in Port Chester and Brewster.


Mr. Alfonso is a resident of White Plains, and is an owner operator of his own taxi. He has been actively involved in this effort to not only unionize his drivers, but to make sure that the standards regarding drivers, their conduct and dress are improved.



The some of the issues that will be discussed:


·        How did this effort to organize cabdrivers begin?

·        What role did Councilman Glen Hockley play?

·        How is the price of gasoline impacting on taxi service?

·        What role will unionization play in the upcoming years?

·        How has this rich and poor society of the last decade affected the average working man?


Meanwhile, the mission of the “Advocates” is to bring to the public differing views on current “public policy “issues. “Public policy,” therefore, is what we as a nation legally and traditionally follow. Over the years, the “public policy” of the United States has changed or has been modified greatly. As an example, “free public education” is the public policy of the United States. Also, over time great struggles have ensued over the control of the direction of “public policy” For example: free trade vs. protectionism, slavery vs. emancipation, state’s rights vs. Federalism, and an all-volunteer armed forces or the “draft.”


The Program is sponsored by the Green Briar Adult Home, in Millbrook, Dutchess County, NY.

One can find my essays on FDR and other subjects at and one can also see and hear all of the archived shows at:  Over the next few weeks we will be discussing politics and especially FDR with Dr. HS Goldsmith and Robert Schlesinger.


Richard J. Garfunkel 







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