October 3, 2006
Letter to the Editor:
The public should demand a full criminal investigation of this latest case of the GOP’s hypocritical leadership of Congress. The Republican fiction writers, in and outside, of Congress, (Rush Limbaugh, Bill Bennett, etc.) have been hectoring the public on morality for years. But what is the true reality? We are saddled with a party whose leadership has been constantly compromised by the likes of Jack Abramoff’s casino influence peddling that has already forced the resignation of Bob Ney, military payoffs to imprisoned, yacht sailing Congressman “Duke” Cunningham, the latest Congressional page sex scandal, and the resignation of the now disgraced Congressman Mark Foley. When is the public going to wake up to the non-leadership and cover-ups of Dennis Hastert, John Boehner and Bill Frist? We need a wholesale change in the fetid climate of corruption that currently controls power in Washington. A new leadership will re-institute Congressional oversight and we will finally get the truth on Iraq, our sky-high gasoline prices, and a myriad of other abuses.
Richard J. Garfunkel