Letter to MVHS and AB Davis Alumni 2-28-06

MVHS and AB David Class Letter


February 28, 2006


Dear Friends,


Recently I have been corresponding with some AB Davis people I met over the Internet. I first came in contact with Patricia Nash Ballentine regarding the Class of 1955’s 50th Reunion. I met her and some of her former classmates at their pre-reunion party in Tarrytown last year. This year I became aware of the AB Davis Class of 1956’s website through Patti and Linda Young Shapiro. Linda was the sister of the late Howie Young, who was in our year, but passed away in 1988. He had left the MV school system to go to Horace Mann. I knew him there in 1959.


Since I do not have your e-mail addresses, I though I would share with you some memories of Mount Vernon that I had just written, and a piece from Doug Garr, MVHS, Class of 1967 and a “Share a Memory” entry from the AB Davis 1956 website- www.abdavisreuinion1956.com . I thoroughly enjoyed going through the website looking for names I knew and siblings of some of our own classmates. I recommend it for all of you to take a look when you have the time.


Meanwhile I will start working on the next Jon Breen Memorial Scholarship Essay contest in the next month or so. We have yet to pick the topic or to schedule my yearly lecture. If you would like to be on my e-mail list and have quicker access to what is happening with regards to our future reunion, please e-mail me at rjg727@optonline.net.


Every once in a while some interesting things come my way. It would be nice if we could put together a similar website, and therefore have the ability to have all of us contribute our own memories, histories, and thoughts on the passing scene.



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