RJG announces his attentions 3-25-05

March 22, 2005


Ms. Suzanne Berger


Greenburgh Democratic Town Committee

120 Bellair Drive

Dobbs Ferry, New York 10522


Dear Ms. Berger,


I hope that this letter finds you and yours quite well. It has come to my attention that the Greenburgh Democratic Town Committee will be interviewing interested personages regarding potential designations for the position of Greenburgh Town Councilperson. I would like to inform you of my plans to seek that designation.


As a long time activist, regarding public service and Democratic politics, on the local and national level, I believe that my experience and judgment would uniquely qualify me as a candidate for the position of Town Councilperson. Despite the fact that I have not been a life time resident of the Town of Greenburgh, I have been a native son of Westchester all my life. For over 36 years, from my earliest days as a member of the White Plains Democratic Committee, I have been involved in both community and political activity. As early as 1972 I was White Plains co-Chairperson for the George McGovern campaign for President, and recently I was on the New York State Finance Committee for General Wesley Clark.  In between I have served as the campaign manager for Martin Rogowsky when he ran for the State Assembly in 1976, been an advance man for Congressman Richard Ottinger, while my wife Linda was on his staff for 8 years, was Organization Chairperson of the White Plains Democratic City Committee for a number of years, and have been an active participant in many, many campaigns.


I have also been deeply involved in charitable work and the promotion of public policy issues, by reaching out to young people through my founding of the Jon Breen Fund at Mount Vernon High School. During my few years in the Town of Greenburgh, I have served as an active member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and as a Deputy Supervisor. As an appointed Deputy Supervisor I have been assigned the task of engaging ordinary citizens to become involved in government through Supervisor Feiner’s “Liaison Program.” This program was designed to get people, who are not ordinarily involved, active in the political process. I have also proposed initiatives regarding the use of alternate sources of energy to the Town Board, and the creation of a town-wide Beautification Foundation. That concept is modeled on the extremely successful White Plains Beautification Foundation and would work to upgrade neighborhoods, local parks, traffic circles and common areas by raising money, providing matching funds and promoting awareness of the importance of neighborhood pride, beautification and cleanliness.


As a member of the Town Board, I would be a strong and independent voice regarding the need to support the excellent record of services we have all enjoyed, balanced within the boundaries of economic reality. In other words, I want to keep Greenburgh an affordable place for all types of people, representing all strata of income, to live and enjoy this wonderful town. I would also be a strong advocate of Supervisor Feiner’s efforts to keep “open and transparent” government as a number one objective. I have known Supervisor Feiner for over 30 years and I believe that with my assistance the Town Board will function much more cohesively. Along with that, I would be an active promoter of more citizen participation on “voluntary boards.” I also believe that the Town of Greenburgh should be first and foremost regarding clean energy and on the “cutting edge” of technology. I support Supervisor Feiner’s initiative on promoting WIFI in the parks and I look forward to finding other more creative ways for Greenburgh to use technology to create efficiencies and more energy independence from foreign fossil fuel.


I have also included my resume, by separate attachment, for the committee’s consideration. I would like to be interviewed, at the convenience of the Greenburgh Town Democratic nominating/designating committee. Unfortunately because of a long-time previous commitment I will be out of the area on the evening of March 31, 2005. I hope that the committee will have other time available to consider my candidacy in person. I would appreciate it also if you could make this letter and my resume available to the Town Committee by e-mail, since I do not have a current list of district leaders addresses.


Again, thank you for your consideration. I can be reached at 914-





Richard J. Garfunkel




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