Letter to the Journal News 12-2-04

Letter to the Journal News:



Usually when one is personally attacked in the newspaper, it is incumbent of that individual to respond. Yesterday, one Mr. Ed Krause, who lists his residence as Scarsdale, and frequently pontificates with bluster, personal invective, and legal inaccuracies at Greenburgh Town Board Meetings, had attacked me for defending the record of Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner. Being another recipient of his baseless canard and mindless charges puts me in excellent company. Mr. Krause is one of a small group of troglodytes who believe in the “730 Day” Campaign. They delay, obfuscate and bog down the workings of the Greenburgh Town government at every chance and opportunity. He and his Cabal of fellow “campaigners” like to defend their right to question as a “search for the truth.” But like the late unlamented Senator Joe McCarthy they indulge in the “big lie” methodology. Their tactics have ranged from name-calling, personal outbursts, insults, twisting of the truth and character assassination.  They attempt to question every motive of the Supervisor, who has proven himself time and time again, over decades of public service, and has weathered countless public tests called elections. Supervisor Feiner’s transparency and unequaled record of honesty and service to the public has been noted innumerable times. I am proud to call him a friend for many, many years. I intend to speak out regularly and often in his support. With regards to charges made by Mr. Krause, I believe that the Journal News should ask Mr. Krause about his former business with the Town of Greenburgh and what were the reasons for its termination?


Richard J. Garfunkel



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