The “730” Day Campaign and who run it!

Letter to the Editor- Scarsdale Inquirer
This past Wednesday, at the Green burgh Town Board, we were witness to another edition of the “730” Day Campaign Committee. As usual, whatever Supervisor Feiner proposes, a certain member of the Town Board finds fault, brings questions about the Supervisor's motivation and it seems his honesty, but reluctantly supports the actions with the predictable delays and obfuscations. Of course this feeds right into the chorus of his regular nit-pickers and nay sayers allies who accuse the Supervisor of every indiscretion under the sun. Each meeting we are bombarded by long-winded legalisms, personal attacks and accusations. It seems that Supervisor Feiner and the other elected officials have now become “target of opportunities” for this loose collection of malcontents who cannot understand why the public overwhelming supports the Supervisor's  programs, actions and ideas. Supervisor Feiner has been the paragon of honesty of 20 plus years, has been the driving force for progressive responsible government, and the Town of Greenburgh continuously benefits from his strong leadership.
Richard J. Garfunkel
I  am off to the opening of the Clinton Library in Little Rock, Ark, this afternoon. So if you call leave a phone number and I will check my phone log and confirm that I have written this note, thanks rjg 

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