Energy and Greenburgh 5-17-04 Letter to the Editor


The Journal News

Letter to the Editor:

May 17, 2004



Recently we have all been suffering from the effects of escalating gasoline prices. This negative trend for the average American driver will probably be replicated for all of us in the coming heating months. The long-term prognosis of being dependent on foreign fossil fuels is not only unhealthy for our balance of payments deficits, our supposed economic recovery and ultimately our national independence. Therefore, again the impetus for alternate sources of energy must be explored with vigor. Recently I met with Ms. Nicola Coddington, who coordinates the Town of Greenburgh’s Department of Energy Conservation. Not only does her department dispense invaluable material on energy conservation, but also she informed me of the upcoming June 8, 2004, meeting at the New York Power Authority offices in White Plains on energy and technology. This meeting has been called to encourage the efficient usage of energy to boost one’s businesses and institutions. I have recommended to Greenburgh Town Supervisor Paul Feiner to set up a town commission to explore the uses of wind turbines, solar energy, and hybrid cars in helping lower town energy costs and also finding ways to supply less expensive renewable energy to the citizenry of the Town of Greenburgh. Only through aggressive local actions can our communities start to reverse this continuing disastrous trend.




Richard J. Garfunkel



Member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board

Town of Greenburgh

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